Click the screen shot below to view the virtual exhibition. I originally made this as a quick project to give anyone who couldn’t make it to my exhibition Boundless, a chance to experience it online.
I created it by photographing a series of 25 images in the gallery and then stitching them into a single panorama. I then converted it to the virtual room with Pano to VR. It gives a great feel for the room, and being able to zoom into each photo is much more akin to an actual gallery experience that an online gallery or slide show. The virtual exhibition format also gives viewers a better sense of how the image placement and order influence the exhibition.
There are some imperfections introduced where the individual frames were stitched together. For example, the crown molding makes the seams between image frames stand out, though these could be fixed with some more time in Photoshop. The resolution was also shrunken down considerably in order to make the download a manageable size (2.5mb).